HOW-A, HOW-A, our third YourSports Girl of the Week comes straight from the
land where guys are called chaps, fries are called chips, and there women only
like American men. That is right straight out of the UK. It is girls like this
that put the Great in Great Britain. It was not difficult to find quality
shots of our latest addition to YourSports, and it was more than enjoyable picking
the ones that I felt would best cater to the taste of all our fans. Now even
though I know most of you can't read past a third grade level, and I can't spell
better than most first graders I am still going to give you a quick bio on our
babe. Patricia Jude Francis Kensit was born in London on March 4, 1968. She
started her acting career at age four staring in "The Great Gatsby."
Obviously she did a fine job because she has been in a grip of films since then.
Her most notable appearance was in the second of the Lethal Weapons, where that
lucky Aussi bastard Mel Gibson did a little more than trade lines with her.
Critics thought that she would blow up after that, but for some reason she has
stayed quiet. Maybe people got wind of here doing musical work with the "Pet
Shop Boys" and figured she would be close to suicide after that. In any
event I think that this beautiful brit bombshell should be able to lay claim
to the thrown because if it weren't for lovely ladies such as this, England
would have been taken out long ago. So enjoy the shots and don't go playing
too much Patsy Cake with yourself whiling browsing through them.